National Space Day 2024 Celebration
India had successfully landed its Chandrayan-3 Vikram Lander on the lunar south pole region on August 23, 2023.
To commemorate this feat every year August 23rd has been declared as National Space Day by Government of India.
The theme selected for National Space day this year is “Touching lives while touching the Moon: India's Space Saga”

Invitation and appeal to participate in the celebration of first National Space Day, 23rd August 2024.
-Shri Dr. S. Somanath,
Distinguished Scientist (Apex Grade) and Secretary, Department of Space (DoS), Chairman, Space Commission and Chairman, ISRO
We had achieved an outreach of 2500+ Schools for the Chandrayaan Week Celebration 2023!
Thanks to ISRO for the support. Congratulations and Thanks to all the Schools, Teachers and Students who have registered and participated. Let's take small steps towards promoting Space Science and Indian Space Exploration Program and contribute to Nation Building!
Antariksh Society invites you to join various events, workshops and contestes organized free of cost by
ISRO HQ, Vikram Sarabhai space Centre (VSSC) and Antariksh Society under AntarikshVeer Project.

PM addresses Team ISRO on success of Chandrayaan-3
"I was impatient and eager to visit and salute you for your diligence, dedication, courage, devotion and passion”
“India is on the moon! We have our national pride placed on the moon”
“This New India will provide solutions to the big problems of the world in the 21st century”
“The moment of touchdown is one of the most inspiring moments of this century”
“Today, the entire world is witnessing and accepting the strength of India's scientific spirit, our technology and our scientific temperament”
“Our 'Moon Lander' has firmly set its foot on the Moon like 'Angad'”
“The point where the moon lander of Chandrayaan-3 landed will now be known as ‘Shiv Shakti’”
“The point where Chandrayaan 2 left its footprints will now be called ‘Tiranga’”
“Now onwards, every year, 23rd August will be celebrated as the National Space Day”
“New generation should come forward to scientifically prove the astronomical formulas in the scriptures of India and to study them anew”
“In this period of the 21st century, the country which takes the lead in science and technology, will move ahead”
Posted On: 26 AUG 2023 9:34AM by PIB Delhi

India is celebrating its maiden National Space Day [NSpD-2024] on August 23, 2024 with the theme "Touching Lives while Touching the Moon: India's Space Saga."
A myriad of events will unfold highlighting India's remarkable achievements in space, profound benefits to the society, and boundless opportunities for people from all walks of life to engage with the Indian space programme. These celebrations will culminate into the main event at New Delhi on August 22-23, 2024. - ISRO
Please find below the Events and links to participate
1) All India Zonal Level Events by ISRO Headquarters:
2) Events by Vikram Sarabhai space Centre (VSSC):
3) National Students Space Seminar and Antariksh Space Camps:
Find details and registration below >>
Invitation to Schools to Partner and Support the initiative

"When our Chandrayaan lander touches the Moon's surface, it not just higligts the Space Exploration capabilities of India but raises the aspirations of a Billion!
ISRO's Chandrayaan Mission is pride of Nation and we invite you to celebrate this historic moments first anneversary declaired as NATIONAL SPACE DAY with us by creating awareness and igniting the passion for Space Science education and giving our students an opportunity to be a part of the achievement. ISRO and Antariksh Society has planned several activities to engage with students and is supporting with activities plan, videos, free courses and Seminars at Schools. Make the best of this opportunity to bring Space education to your school. We also request you to support the initiative by sharing it with School Principals and Teachers in your contact. Let's take one more short step towards Nation building. Wish you success."
Best Regards,
President, Antariksh Society
How your School can partner for the
with a Month long activities as we Observe August as 'Space Education and Awareness Month'
Formal Schools from any State, National and International Boards are eligible to participate. Students may also engage in some activities individually and have chance to win Prizes and participation Certificate
1. We invite Schools to register for the Antariksh Space Club and get free educational resorces,host Antariksh Space Seminar and Space Camps.
2. Register for Free Space Project contest
3. Students across India can also enroll for free short and exclusive online course ‘Certificate in Indian Space Exploration Program’ and get prestigious Digital Certificate
4. Request for hosting 'National Students Space Seminar' (conducted at limited select schools only)
5. Grab the opportunity to host the one day Antariksh Space Camp free of cost at your School. Organized by Antariksh Society with partnership of ISRO and conducted by ISRO Space Tutors and NASA STEM Educators.

Schools and Students may Register, Participate and make Submitions between 1st to 31st August 2024
Activities for National Space Project for Schools

Partner and participate in the activities to be organized by the schools.
Please Note:
There is no fees charged and no qualifying criteria for participation. As a School Leader kindly encourage all Students to participate, lear, enjoy and get 'Certificate of Participation'. Also Top 10 Projects will get a Memento and ISRO T-Shirts
If School is not aware/participating in support of the event, Students are requested to share this information with Hon. School Principal or Class Teacher. Students may also individually participate in below activities and post on the Antariksh Forum.
Below is the list of Activities for Class/Std 3 to 12
to be conducted at School
Standard wise suggested activities: Std 3& 4: AstroArt: Take help of Art and Craft Teacher to guide students to draw and paint Planets (one or many, or Solar System) Teachers may encourage taking a selfie, giving a pat and clap to all work submitted, giving small rewards to all like a gift or a candy is a good idea. Std 5 to 7: Space Diorama / Project : Students may browse internet and come with an idea to make a static or working model of Solar System, Eclipse, Tides, Sat Communication, Rocket Launch etc.. Allow 2-3 days if required to present the project as a team of 4-6 students or independently. For this group you may declare best project by doing internal assessment by Science Teachers and School Leadership Std 8 to 12: Option 1: Space Diorama / Project as above Option 2: Essay Competition: Topic for Essay is this years theme declaired by ISRO: "Touching Lives while Touching the Moon: India's Space saga" Option 3: Space Blogger and Elocution/ Talk on Space: These Students are young, motivated and aspirational, We invite them to write an official blog for Antariksh Society! Yes they have an opportunity to publish their work on specially created blog on Antariksh Society Forum (on website). Students may research on any topics related to Space Missions, Technology, Space Agencies, India’s achievements, Living in Space, Mars, Black hole etc and post with relevant images or make own informative video. OR Students may deliver a great Talk of about 8 Mins on any of the above subjects, record and upload on YouTube and post embedded video link on Antariksh Society forum on website. Some of the bloggers will be lucky to have published article in Antariksh Society E Magazine!
How to Participate and Register?
Process for Schools
Schools may register for participation by filling the form below.
Schools shall forward the suggested activities list and link to Free online course with students/parents (Share this page link)
Teachers may please select the activities from the list of activities suggested for your std/class
After you have done the project/activities, class teacher/ coordinator must take a few photos (4-6) of the projects and students in everp participating class.
Submit your work by Posting it in the 'National Space Day' under Antariksh Forum page on this website anytime between 25th to 31st August 2024. You may also takpride in sharing your achievements on social media, school website
Personalized participation certificate will be issed to the Hon. Principal and School and an open template will be shared for issuance to students.
Please ask students to join the Antariksh Club and keep updated with programs offered by Antariksh Society. Joining is simple and FREE.
Schools may please register as Antariksh Space School and benefit from its free offerings and supporting space curriculam.
How to Participate and Register?
Process for Students
Please login to this site with your correct Name and other details as the same will automatically appear on your Certificates. DO NOT provide your own mobile contact. mention your parents contact number with their consent. WE DO NOT use your contacts for marketing or share with anyone.
Students DONT have to preregister for activities to be done at school or individually by themselves.
Students can participate in activities conducted at their School if the school is participating OR Students can do the activities suggested above on their own at home or do both
Please select the activities from the list of activities suggested for your std/class
AFTER you have done the project/activities, you must take a few photos of it and yourself and post in the Antariksh Form in this website. You may also be proud to share your achievements on social media
AFTER above step you get your prestigious participation Certificate by applying at the column at bottom of this page. The certificate will be emailed to you instantly
You may also register for FREE online course 'Certificate Cousre in Indian Space Exploration Program' and optionally do other courses offered by Antariksh Society. ALL Courses will have a special Certificate emailed instantly after completion of the course.
Please join the Antariksh Club and keep updated with programs offered by Antariksh Society. Joining is simple and FREE.

Upload your Project
Make sure you login to site
You must be an ANtariksh Club Member (Membership is free).
If Not a Member Join HERE
Upload Only Images
Max 5 Images
After upload generate Certificate of Participation by using button on Right >>
Antariksh Society Educational Projects for Students
Opportunity to organize and host official Antariksh Seminars and
Space Camps at your School

National Students Space Seminar
Antariksh Society organizes the 'National Students Space Seminar' at select schools across India and Indian Schools in UAE, SEA regions. This is the finest SpaceTalk you may host to Inspire students and ignite passion and curiousity for Space Education and Exploration.
Limited number of requests are honoured every month. Please find the details and apply to host if you decide.
Antariksh Space Camp
Antariksh Space Camp is India's largest at School workshop organized by Antariksh Society free of cost under our educational grants. One Day/ 4Hrs Space Camp is conducted by ISRO Space Turors and NASA STEM Educators. Students may need to pay a nominal fee for activities materials consumables kit depending on the type of workshop.
Antariksh Space Camp is a Hands on Activities workshop that helps students Discover Space, understand various concepts by doing, Missions training experience and Carrer opportunities.
Please find out how 100's of SChools have benefitted from the workshops and apply to join the league!